NLA Class 1976 brings NLAC’s technology to the 21st Century
In Mng Mel Afenir’s voice:
The uniqueness of the NLA Class 1976 project is that there are no physical changes made to the beloved structures of our Alma Mater while we brought its technology to the 21st Century. As a class, we are very intentional in that each member is given the opportunity to vote and ultimately the majority rules as in the case of selecting this very important and innovative class project. Class 76 donors to this project were both international- and local-based classmates – Thank you!
First, our class 1976 wants to acknowledge the key role Mr. Mir-Mel Miranda played as the Head of the NLAC Information Technology Department. His expertise and efforts were key to the success of this important project. At the earliest stage when the project had to be in a state of secrecy prior to the appropriate approvals, he conducted and presented the feasibility study and details enabling the class to put it to vote. He was instrumental in presenting the class proposal to the NLAC Administrative Committee and ultimately gaining its approval. The NLAC AdCom in turn, requested from the class to add a CCTV system installed for the entire campus which Class 76 voted on and approved in addition to their project.
Here are the details and the depth of the project:
1. One kilometer of fiber optics connecting all classrooms to the network, including the Library, AB Hall, and the Pulido Auditorium. Fiber optics speeds the movement of data within the network.
2. Access points for Wi-Fi installed in strategic locations within the Campus that would make NLAC one of the most connected schools in our area. This means a student can open his/her laptop, iPad, tablet, or iPhone under SM (Siruk ti manga) and start researching for class even under SM!.
3. As a result of #2, each Teacher, Worker, College Student, and Academy Student will receive a personal email address to be assigned and activated each semester. This will be the only way a user can enter to access the network and start research and eventually access NLAC calendars, class syllabus, assignments, and student grades.
4. Servers, racks, and switches running all the intended jobs, such as content traffic to the NLAC network, which means all BAD sites can be blocked by the network. A log by the network on users who try to access sites that are blocked by the system.
5. The CCTV system. It’s presence in my era would have gotten students in trouble for stealing chickens and maybe for their dating activities.
6. Total cost is little under P500k
We have accomplished the goal and we praise God for accomplishing this blessing. NLA Class 76 UNITED.